Who wants to play Russian Roulette?
Not many, but it happens daily with recruitment and hiring.
Making decisions based on résumés, dress, looks, and how a person conducts themselves in an interview is a bit like playing Russian Roulette. Sometimes you win, sometimes you don’t…and when you lose it’s bad!
Hiring decisions are often made on a whim. Candidates often lie or make promises to get the job.
It’s surprising that such an important aspect of business is so often left to chance. But when you consider the enormous amount of false information there is about hiring, it’s no surprise that the average business owner believes that hiring is more “luck” than science.
There is an exact process to hire top producers. People who want to work and who produce valuable work (Vwork).
Forget about reading résumés.
Forget about conducting hundreds of time-wasting interviews.
There are 3 things you need to look for when hiring the ideal candidate:
- Willingness
- Vwork™ Results (that’s Valuable work)
- Know-how
Let’s summarise these points.
The key question is: “Do they demonstrate a strong willingness to contribute to the team?”
There are lots of ways you can test for willingness. The simple ones are things like:
- Did they turn up on time for the interview?
- How willing are they to prove they fit your requirements?
- Are they willing to do something right now? (Yep — that’s right, here’s a job I need you to do right now?)
If they don’t have the willingness, don’t go any further.
The one attribute you cannot enforce is a willingness to work. As an employer, you are “buying” willingness when you hire.
If you have to enforce it, it’s called slavery and who wants a bunch of slaves working for them? That’s way too much work for you. So skip ’em if they ain’t willing.
Vwork Results
The key question is: “Can they provide proof of prior productivity?”
This is very simple. If you are buying a car, you want the car to work. If you get a new phone you want the phone to work. If you hire a new team member, you want the team member to work.
But the word “work” has gotten confused. Some people think “work” means slogging your guts out until the job is done and others think it means to turn up and spend time watching other people slogging their guts out.
So let’s clarify what we mean by the word “work.”
Work is defined as: An activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a result.
We don’t want any result. We want valuable results.
So I’ve coined the term Vwork which means Valuable work.
The flip side is Xwork work is eXtra Work that is not valuable. Xwork is any time-wasting activity that produces no result and adds no value to your organization (or life).
With these new words, we now know exactly the kind of results we want in our new recruits.
You don’t want just work, you want Vwork results.
If the recruit can provide proof of prior Vwork results and you can easily verify those results, then they can proceed to the next step.
If they can’t provide any proof of Vwork results, then it’s “hasta la vista, baby.”

Know-how is more than knowledge. Know-how is practical knowledge or skill that can be applied or used.
A résumé may give you some insight, but anyone can make themselves look good on paper. If you are hiring for a specialized role that a person cannot easily learn, then the best way to test for know-how is get them to do some work as part of the hiring process. Give them a task and see if they can do it. Put them on spot. This is not only a test of willingness it is also a test of know-how.
But know-how is the least important of these 3 things.
Which would you prefer?
- A willing Vwork person who needs a little training.
- An unwilling person who knows everything!
The Vwork Hiring System provides a step-by-step guide to finding highly productive staff. It covers everything from how to write the recruitment ad, all the way through to bringing the person onboard.
Don’t play Russian Roulette with your business hiring, build a willing team instead.
Be Valuable,
Oisín Grogan is the $200 Million Business Coach.
Founder of the Vwork System—Hiring & Team Productivity.
He provides Results-Driven Coaching Programs & guidance to help leaders hire better staff, increase productivity & reach their goals faster.