Do you want an efficient business with motivated staff?


People are your best asset or your worst nightmare!
Increasing the quality of your team, processes and policy determines your success.

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Do you want an efficient business with motivated staff?


People are your best asset or your worst nightmare!
Increasing the quality of your team, processes and policy determines your success.

Get in touch


Imagine if you could:

  • Increase efficiency and production with the existing team

  • Learn the secrets of how to work smarter rather than harder

  • Get your staff to take more ownership of their role

  • Learn how to get staff to be self motivated to produce

  • Get staff to know and follow correct procedures in your business

  • Organise your workflows and processes for a more efficient and streamlined business


     That’s what we do.



There are three types of work, and you only want one in your company. 

There are three types of people you can employ:

Your team and your business have a Valuable Work ratio.

The Vwork ratio of your staff and entire business equals your:

  • Profit

  • Growth

  • Success

  • Peace of mind

  • Quality of life


To increase the Valuable Work Ratio of your organisation


Raise the performance of your existing team & streamline your business.


Before we can successfully hire and delegate responsibilities to your staff we must make sure that the company is properly organised and that duties are assigned in the most efficient manner. If we don’t you will be constantly “putting out fires”.

This requires the development of a Basic Org Chart. It will enable the smooth operation of the current and future functions of the company. 

A Vwork Org Chart:

  • Supports the purpose and strategy of the business.

  • Clearly displays key departments for all to see.

  • Defines what functions and work is done by whom.

  • Defines the Valuable Work output of each department.

  • Displays roles & responsibilities.

  • And much more.

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With all roles clearly identified we can now build out a clear Role Specification for each person in the company.

Vwork has a specific framework which enables staff to better understand what they are doing and what their Vwork outcome is. This is not a copy and pasted job description which nobody ever uses. This step will include developing the roles, responsibilities, and actions of management.

A very important part of this is to identify the key metrics by which each role is to be measured. These establish accountability, visibility and increase staff performance. With these you can build a company performance dashboard.

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This a very important step to bring clarity in any company and ensure the “rules of the game” are clear to present and future staff. Most companies have little or no policy. This leads to ineffeciency, internal conflict and slower operations among other issues.

Having written policy to attach to the Role Specifications will ensure everyone is operating on the same agreements. It will remove doubt and confusion from the team. It will speed up production.

We take everything we’ve learned while isolating all the key company functions, roles and Role Specifications and write a package of policy in these categories:

  • General Staff Policy

  • Each department, such as: Management, HR, Marketing & Sales, Accounts, Production.

  • Each Division where required.

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