
Your Best Staff & Recruits Have This Quality


Learn how to build a team of willing people.

The Vwork™ People Laws help you increase team performance.

The Vwork™ Hiring Laws eliminate hiring mistakes and know what you are getting before you hire.

Click this link for more info:

If you have a question, book a chat.

Be Valuable,

Oisín Grogan is the $200 Million Business Coach.

He provides Results-Driven Coaching Programs & guidance to help leaders hire better staff, increase productivity & reach their goals faster

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The 3 Things You Need In Every New Recruit


Who wants to play Russian Roulette?

Not many, but it happens daily with recruitment and hiring.


Making decisions based on résumés, dress, looks, and how a person conducts themselves in an interview is a bit like playing Russian Roulette. Sometimes you win, sometimes you don’t…and when you lose it’s bad!

Hiring decisions are often made on a whim. Candidates often lie or make promises to get the job.

It’s surprising that such an important aspect of business is so often left to chance. But when you consider the enormous amount of false information there is about hiring, it’s no surprise that the average business owner believes that hiring is more “luck” than science.

There is an exact process to hire top producers. People who want to work and who produce valuable work (Vwork).

Forget about reading résumés.

Forget about...

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The 3 Types of People You can Hire (hint, you only want one of them)


There are only 3 types of people you can hire. When you understand these types and how to spot them, hiring the right person is easy.

The 3 types of people are:

  1. Vwork™ People
  2. Xwork™ People
  3. Dwork™ People

Let’s define each.

Vwork People

Vwork is Valuable work. Completed work which adds value to your organisation (or life).

A Vwork Person creates valuable work. These are the people you want.

Xwork People

Xwork is eXtra and useless work. Xwork is any time-wasting activity that produces no result and adds no value to your organisation (or life).

An Xwork Person creates extra work.

Dwork People

Dwork is Destructive work. It is the complete opposite of Vwork. It has negative value. It ruins, harms and tears down what you’ve built.

Dwork People intentionally create Dwork results. They want the business and those around them to fail. A Dwork person undoes, un-builds, tears down Vwork results.



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Sick of Wasting Time in Meetings? Try this


A friend of mine says people hate meetings because:

  1. They don’t start on time.
  2. They don’t finish on time.
  3. What’s in the middle is a waste of time!

It’s true a lot of meetings are a waste of time. Unproductive meetings can cost your business big time. 5 people times 1 hour = 5 hours. Multiply that by everyone’s hourly value. You better be increasing production or don’t hold the meeting.

Not only is it the wasted hours, it’s the lost production time. So unnecessary meetings are a double loss when they are not effective.

Here’s a few tips on how to have shorter and more effective meetings:

  • Define the purpose of the meeting.
  • Define the outcome of the meeting.
  • Have a timed agenda and someone in charge.
  • Facts—not opinions!
  • Keep people on-point. (Only talk about matters relating to their job)

Let’s take each point:

1. Define the purpose of the meeting.

Why are we holding this meeting? If you can’t answer...

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Who’s Creating Problems in Your Business?

Why are some staff great? Why do some cause you stress and worry?

How do you improve staff performance?

The Valuable Work™ People Laws help you hire better staff and improve those you have.

If you’d like more info check out this link:

If you have a question, happy to have a chat:

Be Valuable,

Oisín Grogan is the $200 Million Business Coach.

Founder of the Vwork Hiring & Productivity System.

He provides Results-Driven Coaching Programs & guidance to help leaders hire better staff, increase productivity & reach their goals faster.

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People Who Are a Joy to Work With

 Some people are great to work with, some aren’t.

A key to success is Valuable people in your team and network.

The Vwork™ People Laws help you tell the difference, quickly.

If you’d like more info check out this link:

If you have a question, happy to have a chat:

Be Valuable,

Oisín Grogan is the $200 Million Business Coach.

Founder of the Vwork System—Hiring & Team Productivity.

He provides Results-Driven Coaching Programs & guidance to help leaders hire better staff, increase productivity & reach their goals faster.

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Another Costly Hiring Mistake? Try this


Imagine paying $20,000+ to an accountant to do your tax work, but after 6 months, nothing was achieved, so you hire another accountant for $20K.

You’d demand your money back from the first and you’d be more thorough with the next accountant you hire.

But when it comes to hiring staff, bad hiring is considered simply “bad luck.”

Here’s a recent example from a contact of mine:

Paid $20,000+ to a recruiter, got the wrong person, wasted 6 months of wages and no results to find out, then started all over again.

They felt ripped off, but that’s “just the way hiring works.”

I’m here to tell you that is not the way hiring works.

The problem lies in a lack of know-how how to find “good people.”

And here’s the good news:

There is a way to find and hire good people.

I call them Vwork™ People—Vwork stands for Valuable Work, and Vwork People are people who produce valuable work.


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Hiring Productive People You Can Trust


Ever heard the joke about the ideal business?

It would have no staff issues…so no staff. No customers issues…so no customers. No people to deal with—so no problems!

It wouldn’t have any money either, which might be a problem for you eventually!

The “wrong” people cause problems. The “right” people cause solutions.

The wrong people are: Xwork™ People.

The right people are: Vwork™ People.

Xwork: Stands for eXtra and useless work.

Any time-wasting activity that produces no result & adds no value to your organisation (or life).

Vwork: Valuable work. Completed work which adds value to your organisation (or life).

For more information on Xwork/Vwork see this article:

Why 60% of Business Activity is Waste: The 2 Types of Work


You can see that no one produces 100% Vwork. Even the most productive people create Xwork from time to time. You may have created Xwork once or...

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Træt af at spilde tiden på møder? Prøv dette


En af mine venner siger, at folk ikke bryder sig om møder fordi:

1. De ikke begynder til tiden.
2. De ikke afsluttes til tiden.
3. Det i midten, for det meste er spild af tid!

Det er sandt, at mange møder er spild af dyrebar tid. Uproduktive møder kan koste din virksomhed mange penge. 5 personer gange 1 time = 5 timer. Gang det med deltagernes produktionsværdi for virksomheden pr. time. Mødet bør resultere i forøget produktion, eller ogsa skal man ikke holde det.

Det er ikke alene de spildte timer, men ogsa den tabte produktionstid.

Sa unødvendige møder er pa den made dobbelt tab, nar de ikke er produktive.

Her er et par tips til, hvordan du far kortere og mere produktive møder:

  • Fastlæg formalet med mødet.

  • Fastlæg hvad resultatet af mødet skal


  • Sørg for en tidsmæssigt tilrettelagt

    dagsorden og vælg en ordstyrer.

  • Fakta - ikke meninger!

  • ...

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Why 60% of Business Activity is Waste: Two Types of Work


More than 60% of all business activity is waste!

In some organizations it’s more. Occasionally, it’s less.

If everyone is “working” but 60% is waste, not all work is the same. It’s true, some work is valuable, a lot of “work” is useless.

Busy does not equal productive.

There are two types of work:

1. Xwork

2. Vwork

One makes you feel good, the other wastes your life (and your profits).

Let’s define each:

Xwork: e Xtra and useless work.

Xwork is any time-wasting activity that produces no result & adds no value to your organization (or life).

These are tasks or activities that keep people busy but don’t create value for your fellow staff, the organization and ultimately the end users—your customers and clients.

Vwork: Valuable work.

Vwork is finished pieces of work which have a value to the internal staff, the organization and most importantly—value to the end user of your product or service.


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